Saturday, December 29, 2007

Aren't you ready to come out yet?

Originally uploaded by stacym29
Every time I pick up a pregnancy or baby magazine, I wonder how many times an editor or whomever the powers-that-be are, have read a million articles on the same topics: "The Things Pregnant Women Never Told You" or "How to Eat Right During Pregnancy" or "Sleeping Solutions for Newborns" and the list goes on. Don't they get tired of working there?

Anyway, since this is a new blog for me and I am of course, due in like 5 minutes, I feel compelled to ask the same question every pregnant women wants to know.... When are you coming, Miss Newborn Baby? I'm ready! Here's why:

1. My body is ready. Being this heavy takes a toll on this body. Everything aches, especially my back and my pelvis muscle, and I'm tired of waddling. I want to be skinny again, and have the ability to breathe normally after going up a flight of stairs.

2. My skin can't stretch anymore. I'm getting older, and the fact that the elasticity is not what it used to be is just not fair. Maybe having babies when you're 19 has some benefits...

3. The room is ready. Every stitch of clothing is in the drawers. The crib is ready with bedding and a mobile. Diapers are out of their package and ready for use. Wipes, washcloths, lotions -- check, check and check.

4. Car seat is in... and it's really cute!

5. Big Sister has been prepped as much as possible. Everything from why Mommy Has to Hold Baby Jennie All the Time to Why Babies Poop So Much has been covered. She's in her new Big Girl Bedroom and has moved over to her Big Girl spot in the car (thanks to Step #4).

6. Hector is about to have a nervous breakdown. "If you call me on my cell while I'm at work, I will have to kill you." is one example. I don't know how much his nerves can take.

7. The holidays are over! New Year's is pretty uneventful for us, so it doesn't really count.

8. Bags are packed. If I add anymore clothes into my bag, I should just book a flight and deliver somewhere tropical. Maybe I should throw in a bathing suit just in case.

9. I'm so nervous about nursing, I just want to get it started already!

10. Jennie already has Baby's First Christmas ornaments on the tree. That reminds me, I must put a sonogram pic on there, since she already missed this Christmas!

11. My due date is ALMOST here. Can't you just come a little early to hook a sista up?

1 comment:

theKbuzz said...

I LOVE this post....i love the idea of your ornament with the sonogram picture.

The end of pregnancy is so frustrating. Hang in there!!! In less than 48 hours, you'll be in the hospital, and Jennie will be on her way!!!!

Love you!